we have our own LoRa GW based on LoRa Basic Station. Our GW provide up to two corecell sx1302/03 board. How can be integrated in TTN LoRa Network Server ? do the TTN Network Server already support LoRa Basic Station GW with two sx1302/03 board ?
Thanks in advance
Yes TTS does support multiple boards. If you set a second frequency plan (in the same band), while registering the gateway, LoRa Basics Station should take care of configuring the two concentrator boards.
How can i obtain a TTN LoRa Network Server account in order to test one multiboard LoRa Basic Station Gateway ?
You can get a free discovery account on The Things Stack Cloud. See Plans
Why credit card is required if plan is free ?
To make sure we don’t get spammed by bots creating infinite free accounts. The card is only charged if you choose to click the upgrade button to a paid plan.
I activated the free subscription and I’m trying to connect a LoRa GW in basic station mode but the TTN server doesn’t seem to respond to the first router-info message. I configured a non-encrypted connection and having two corecell boards a double channel plan. What can I check?
Do you have more logs? What endpoint is the request sent to?
2024-02-23 11:44:01.353 [TCE:INFO] Connecting to INFOS: ws://lorawanurmetnetwork.eu2.cloud.thethings.industries:8887
2024-02-23 11:44:01.511 [AIO:XDEB] [6] ws_connecting state=1
2024-02-23 11:44:01.511 [AIO:XDEB] [6] ws_connecting state=2
2024-02-23 11:44:01.512 [AIO:XDEB] [6] socket write bytes=205
2024-02-23 11:49:51.552 [AIO:XDEB] [6] ws_connecting state=3
2024-02-23 11:49:51.552 [AIO:XDEB] [6] socket read bytes=7
2024-02-23 11:49:51.552 [AIO:DEBU] [6] Connection closed unexpectedly
2024-02-23 11:49:51.552 [AIO:DEBU] [6] WS connection shutdown…
2024-02-23 11:49:51.552 [TCE:INFO] INFOS reconnect backoff 60s (retry 9)
change ws://lorawanurmetnetwork.eu2.cloud.thethings.industries:8887
to wss://lorawanurmetnetwork.eu2.cloud.thethings.industries:8887
and try again.
You’re trying to make a plain-text connection to a TLS port and that will fail.
howto configure for plain-text (ws) connection ?
Is there a reason you need a plain-text connection? You can just change the connection string to wss
and it should make a TLS connection.
i will do it. The only reason is api certification and api key creation on the GW but if plain-text is not possible i will do a TLS connection
api certification and api key creation
What certification? Do you mean TLS client certificates? In that case you don’t need that. All you need to do is an API Key LoRaWAN Network Server (LNS) | The Things Stack for LoRaWAN
The Things Stack Cloud (the server you are connecting to) does not allow LoRa Basics Station connections without an API key.
sorry… i mean … avoid to create certificate on gw side. Anyway I’ve just created api key , i’ve download .pem root certificates reference, i’ve just created lns.key using api-key. According to TTS documentation now i have to upload these file into the GW but i’ve to change their name in order to respect LoRa Basic Station documentation ? https://lora-developers.semtech.com/build/software/lora-basics/lora-basics-for-gateways/?url=authmodes.html
i’m now able to successfull connect to the TTS. But seems that the configuration received from TTS (router-config message) take into account sx1301. I’ve a LoRa Basic Station GW with two sx1302/03 Semtech corecell reference design board.
For a tender in which we are participating we are looking on the market for an LNS platform that supports our LoRa GW Bsic Station based on corecell sx1302/03 reference design (up to two corecell boards)
Do the TTS support this ?
log fragment:
2024-02-23 14:52:19.155 [AIO:XDEB] [6|WS] < {“msgtype”:“router_config”,“NetID”:null,“JoinEui”:null,“region”:“EU863”,“hwspec”:“sx1301/1”,“freq_range”:[863000000,870000000],“DRs”:[[12,125,0],[11,125,0],[10,125,0],[9,125,0],[8,125,0],[7,125,0],[7,250,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],“sx1301_conf”:[{“radio_0”:{“enable”:true,“freq”:867500000},“radio_1”:{“enable”:true,“freq”:868500000},“chan_multiSF_0”:{“enable”:true,“radio”:1,“if”:-400000},“chan_multiSF_1”:{“enabl
2024-02-23 14:52:19.155 [AIO:XDEB] [6|WS] . e”:true,“radio”:1,“if”:-200000},“chan_multiSF_2”:{“enable”:true,“radio”:1,“if”:0},“chan_multiSF_3”:{“enable”:true,“radio”:0,“if”:-400000},“chan_multiSF_4”:{“enable”:true,“radio”:0,“if”:-200000},“chan_multiSF_5”:{“enable”:true,“radio”:0,“if”:0},“chan_multiSF_6”:{“enable”:true,“radio”:0,“if”:200000},“chan_multiSF_7”:{“enable”:true,“radio”:0,“if”:400000},“chan_Lora_std”:{“enable”:true,“radio”:1,“if”:-200000,“bandwidth”:250000,“spread_factor”:7},“chan_FSK”:{“ena
2024-02-23 14:52:19.155 [AIO:XDEB] [6|WS] . ble”:true,“radio”:1,“if”:300000,“datarate”:50000}}],“nocca”:true,“nodc”:true,“nodwell”:true,“MuxTime”:1708699939.1384559,“bcning”:{“DR”:3,“layout”:[2,8,17],“freqs”:[869525000]}}
Yes this is possible.
In the Console, use the Add frequency plan button to set a second frequency plan for your gateway in the gateway’s General Settings page.
Once you’ve set this, you can reconnect the gateway and the LNS will send the updated router_config
message for two concentrators.
Yes but TTN seems consider sx1301 HW and not my sx1302/03 HW. Please see the previous post log fragment wher sx1301 is reported
i refer to hwspec field in the router_config message from TTS.
Hi set sx1301/1 but my hw is sx1302 and also what does it mean /1 ?