Thanks a lot for your help Jac.
I hope Multitech will put available that parameter in the next firmware release.
I copy here the workarround propose by Multitech.
"Sorry, after investigating this further I found my response about configuring the antenna wasn’t accurate.
The antenna gain on the Conduit should be adjusted to match the hardware unless the network server is taking it into account for the power level to transmit at.
The gateway will then adjust the output power based on the antenna gain setting to match the intended power output.
There isn’t a menu option for the antenna gain when set as Packet Forwarder, but there are a couple ways to configure it.
API Commands:
You can set it using API commands on a Web browser.
First log into the Conduit as usual with a web browser, and then create a new tab in the same browser and enter the following API commands to set the antenna gain, afterwards enter the next command to save the change. You should see a 200 Success message if successful.
Note: Change the IP address to match the IP address of your Conduit.{"packetForwarder" :{“antennaGain”:8}}
After both API commands were entered, do a “Restart LoRa Services” in the LoRaWAN | Network Setup menu.
Manual Configuration:
Another option is to change the LoRaWAN | Network Settings Packet Forwarder options to Manual Configuration and paste a custom global_conf.json contents.
Please see the “Conduit AEP: Convert to Basic Packet Forwarder” for more details on manual mode and examples of global_conf.json file.
You would select the entire example global_conf.json and copy into the Manual Configuration’s “Config” field, and then modify the antenna_gain, gateway_conf settings to point to the lora network server,"