After playing around in the Sandbox I learned a lot and had lots of fun!
But now my network of gateways in the middle of the Netherlands is growing and the number of sensor devices is increasing. Of course I’m happy with that!
But now I feel I’m growing to big for playing in the Sandbox
How can I organise upgrade to The Things Industries?
Of course I find info about that on the website, but I’d like to discuss some things.
Who of the TTN team can I contact for that?
Perhaps start with @rish1 from the TTI Core team as it sounds like you are well into commercial use territory! Just remember to peer openly with TTN (via packetbroker) such that you keep benefit to your community & amateur/hobbyist users, volunteer groups etc as well as your commercial partners
Of course I will peer openly.
The open character is one of the reasons I fell in love with TTN
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And please let us know how the move from Sandbox to TTI was done because that’s surly something that would interest others .
There’s an easy to use CLI tool for that: Migration Tool | The Things Stack for LoRaWAN
Yes I will