Milesight AM307 MIC mismatch


I try to connect the Milesight AM307 to TTN, but I am failing and get this error:

Join-request to cluster-local Join Server failed MIC mismatch

I know for sure that my deviceID and joinEU are the correct together with the lorawan version (1.1.0). Anybody an idea what I am doing wrong?

Here my settings on the TTN console:

Here the settings I can do on the AM307:

BTW For TTN recommended RX2 DR is 3 - SF9, not SF12, indeed L-A spec discourages join at SF12. MIC mismatch usually suggests a key problem, so work your way through the full set character by character…

Also LW1.1.1 a challenge for many - can you try at 1.0.3, poss 1.0.4. and see if any luck there before step up to 1.1.1

Thanks! Looks like using LW1.0.3 is working. Don’t see all the data yet, but device is now accepted.

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