Mikrotik wap lora8 cant connect to TTN console

I have a Mikrotik wAP LoRa8 kit gateway but cannot connect to “The Things network”.
I have changed only the lora settings server with. router.eu.thethings.network. I have changed the same setting about the serve at ttn site(setting server.).am in europe. its the right server?
server ttn
On traffic layer i have message type
join request
unconfirmed data up
join request
join request
confirmed data up
confirmed data up
unconfirmed data up

please help

Not the correct server - the docs will tell you the URL to use - linked bottom right of every console page.

Please format lists as lists and code with </>

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which docs? am new here, i dont know a lot of basics.
‘‘linked bottom right of every console page.?’’…can you be more specific?
i have found this server eu1.cloud.thethings.network. it is right? am from europe.

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Not really!

There is a Learn section at the top of the forum page - I would strongly recommend you read it because LoRaWAN has a lot of details you need to know about just for the basics.

Everyone answering here are volunteers and had to go through the same learning you will need to do.

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