Mikrotik does not connect to the gateway server

Hi, can someone help me to connect the gateway to ttn?
gateway 1

Refer to Server Addresses | The Things Stack for LoRaWAN for the correct server addresses


Hi Johan, thank you for your reply. What gareway server does the dashboard refer to? Is it a paid service?external server

In your console on what cluster did you configure your gateway?

The configuration on your gateway needs to correlate to the cluster on the console.

You also only need the one address for the cluster you are using on the gateway.

If you are on the US cluster you only need nam1.thethings.cloud.network

Hi Johan
I really appreciate your help. The console continues to report "other cluster"servers2
other cluster
Can you tell me what I’m wrong about please?

You need to make sure from your gateway you can see the TTN.

Thanks for your quick reply Johan, should I be able to ping nam1.thethings.cloud.network from routerOS?
Or how can I test if I reach the server?

I think they are blocking a ping to nam1.cloud.thethings.network.

But if you plug you PC into the same port as gateway and you use your browser to nam1.cloud.thethings.network it should resolve it an try to log into the console.

Re: Gateway Server Address: shouldn’t this be nam1.cloud.thethings.network and NOT nam1.thethings.cloud.network ?
Just a thought?

Thamk you!

Johan, thank you for your selfless help. At last my gateway is online.


I also set those first two default mikrotik servers to