Microchip RN2483 use

@boon OK, but let’s create a new topic then, now we are hijacking the RN2483 topic :wink:


OK, back on topic. I now have a number of RN2483 modules and have designed and had made a small breakout PCB to enable them to be tested. First test was to actually get it to talk to a laptop using a usb to serial module. This works and I can communicate with the module.

I was then able to setup the module to send data to my MultiTech Conduit and on to TTN successfully. This was all hand typing or cut/paste the commands into a terminal window. Next is to connect it to an Arduino and send data from a simple sketch.

These are not easy to hand solder. Had to redesign breakout pcb to give longer pads just to make soldering easier.



I hope a RN2483 to 2.54 mm breakoutboard/converter pcb will be available in the future :slight_smile:


Its not a full breakout, as most of the pins are GPIO that I wasn’t interested in. I have the TX/RX, power, ground, Reset plus the CTS/RTS pins on a 7 way 0.1" spacing pins and a SMA connector for the 868MHz antenna.


That’s enough :sunglasses:

I found a Double Side PCB board with 1.27 mm pitch and was thinking of cutting it up to accomodate a RN2483 and some 2.54 mm headers

I did something like this:


nice ! I’m not a pcb designer unfortunately … :sunglasses:

@thinginnovations that’s pretty cool! would it be possible to share that design somehow? Eagle file or something?

I have a 2nd version I’m getting made. Due to not being able to find a pcb footprint for the RN2483 I had to produce one myself. The pads were as specified in the datasheet but were a little too small to hand solder reliably. If this is ok then I’ll be getting a few more made up and releasing the files for others to use. I wouldn’t want to publish a design that is not usable by others.



@thinginnovations: thx, looking forward! I’m in the process of hand-soldering one of these guys and is a pain

In the meantime, this guy from the Espruino community just started selling a breakout board for RN2483 on tindie: https://www.tindie.com/products/DrAzzy/rn2483-breakout-bare-board/


Would be nice if we could reprogram the PIC18F46K22 inside the module, perhaps with the IBM code, for a self contained unit.
Or is the sourcecode for the PIC chip available somewhere? That would make a nice starting point.

I think for the LoRaAlliance certification, the PIC micro within the RN2483 will not be able to run user code. This is a similar situation with the MultiTech mDot modules where the micro can actually be reprogrammed, but to use the LoRaWAN part you must use the binary only library to keep the FCC/CE certification.

However if you are not interested in certified products and are using them in a private environment, then being able to reprogram the PIC micro within the RN2483 might be a cheap LoRa device. Anyone with the appropriate PIC toolchain should then be able to get this working.



LoRa Calculator,

For those of you who are interested in getting an indication of the relation between performance, sensitivity, energy consumption, it might be worth to look at:


Microchip Technology to Buy Atmel for Nearly $3.6 Billion :sunglasses:

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Having lots of experience with these modules, sleep current is only 10uA

Which module - the RN2483 is only 10uA in sleep ?

yes and this has been measured

Sleep mode consumption for the RN2483 has been all over the place - unless you have a new solution?

See Microchip errata: http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/80000689A.pdf

  1. Issue: Sleep current out of specification
    Sleep mode current may draw 100-150 μA.
    Work around
    There is no work around for this issue. This issue will be addressed in a future firmware revision.

@BoRRoZ posted his here in the forums showing 40μA: https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/forum/t/power-consumption-and-range/1164/9?u=jmarcelino

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Im aware of this errata note and borroz experiments, not quite sure what im doing right…when is the next meeting for witnesssing…who will bring his amp meter :slight_smile: