MIC mismatch issue with ID provid by TTN


I’m new on this, but I trying to connect a device on TTN.
after creat the device I have a join request with MIC Mismatch error.
after different try, I try with Id of an other device already exist in Orange server on my device and my device connect on orange with no issue. I delete it on orange, and create it on TTN and my device directly join TTN.
But when I’m trying with the DevEUI, and Appkey generate by TTN I always have Mic Mismatch.

My lora is at 1.0.3, I try to connect with OTAA.

I dont have any ID provide, it’s a own made device.

thanks for your help.

Do tell us more, like what it is, in considerable detail, but mostly the MCU, the radio and which stack (link to repro, version number, settings etc).

And what you are using for a App/Join EUI.

hi, thank for your reply.
I spent 2 day on it and finally found the issue 1h after my post. it was on my firmware.
In fact the NwkKey was in “hard” with a default key. I change to copy the appkey and it work. I d’ont understand yet why this key is used because I’m in 1.0.3 but now it work.
