I’m attempting to set up a Raspberry Pi based end device with a Adafruit LoRa Bonnet on a private TTS 3.13.1 setup. I want to use it as a type C device but I am experiencing weird issues.
I use a modified version of the LoRaPy library: GitHub - btemperli/LoRaPy: LoRaWAN implementation in python and have successfully been able to send a join request for OTAA. But when I attempt to send data packets they don’t get past the gateway, the DevAddr of the packet matches the assigned one from the join request but it doesn’t show up in the Live Data of the device in the application.
Downlink packets are not sent to the gateway either.
Using the same setup but with ABP I have successfully sent uplink packages to the application but I understand the improvements of OTAA so I’d prefer to get that working. Does anyone have any ideas about where the trouble could be?