LSN50 with SHT31 sensor

Hi, I have a LSN50 working with a DS18b20 temp sensor. I have read that this node also supports a SHT31 (and SHT20) temp/RH sensor. I have a SHT31 that works: I checked with an Arduino but it does not work with the LSN50 node: the readings are 0.00. Does anyone have experience with this or tips how to solve this?

NB: I tried to upgrade the firmware from 1.3 to 1.4 but my USB-TTL stick (as com port) is not seen by the flash loader program Dragino recommends on Windoze 10… Any tips here?

SHT31 works on I2C bus did you connect sensor to proper gpio pins on lsn50 ?

I used pins PA6 and PA7 like in the user manual…

I think this is obvious why it does not work. Please see the quote from the manual.


2.4.6 I2C Interface(SHT20)
PB6(SDA) and PB7(SCK) are I2C interface. User can use it to connectto I2C device and get the sensor data.

We have made an example to show how to use the I2C interface to connect to SHT20 Temperature and HumiditySensor. This is not support in the stock firmware, user need to compile a new firmware with USE_SHT20 defined.
As shown below …


Well… I have user manual v1.2.2 which says:

2.4.6 I2C Interface(SHT20)

PB6(SDA) and PB7(SCK) are I2C interface. User can use it to connectto I2C device and get the sensor data. We have made an example to show how to use the I2C interface to connect to SHT20 Temperature and HumiditySensor. This is support in the stock firmwaresince v1.4.Below is the connection to SHT20.

So I have phrased my question complety wrong. My REAL question (not for his forum I suppose) is the NB:

NB: I tried to upgrade the firmware from 1.3 to 1.4 but my USB-TTL stick (as com port) is not seen by the flash loader program Dragino recommends on Windoze 10… Any tips here?

Verify if the converter is present in Windows Device Manager.
Maybe you will need to re-assign com port number.

Solved it: seems there are a lot of issues with Windoze and USB_TTL sticks. I found a driver which solved the issue.

great … which one ? :roll_eyes: for future readers

You are right. I followed this solution:

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