LSN50 V2-D20 didn`t start transmitting

Hi all,
i got an Dragino LSN50 V2-D20 and try to join the TTN.
But i can not see any traffic of this Device on my Gateway
Yes i take the jumper to power on and also the switch is set to “flash”
Also i insert all Keys in the console

any ideas what i can check or is it normal that i can`t see any traffic of the device in the gateway til it it registrated ?

greets torben

Which gateway do you have?
It shall habe capability to support OTAA.
If ( my guess as I did the same) you have a single channel like dragino LG01, it will not work

i have the MikroTik LoRaWAN - wAP LoRa8 kit and also activate an Temp/Hum Sensor from Dragino in the past without any problems

If the keys are correct you should be able to see at least the joint request on the gateway.
( and the LED flashing on the LSN50 board of course)
After it the LSN50 will trasmit the data normally every 20 min. ( according to the manual)