LoRaWAN stack for PIC microcontroller


I would like to build my own nodes using an RFM95 or an SX1272 together with a Microchip PIC microcontroller. Now I’m looking for a LoRaWAN stack library in C code.
I know that Microchip offers a stack, but as far as I can see it has to be used inside MPLAB. I’m using the CCS IDE, so does anybody know how to convert the code offered by Microchip to C code which can be used inside the CCS IDE or does anybody have a C code library of the LoRaWAN stack?

Any help would be much appreciated!

Best regards

Which PIC range are you thinking of? The smaller ones just don’t have the RAM or architecture to support the stack - but you could use a smaller one to talk to a Microchip RN2483 LoRaWAN module.

Hello Nick,

I’m thinking of a PIC18F27J13, the RAM should be enough.
Now I’m using a PIC together with an RN2483. But the footprint of the RN2483 is larger than the footprint of an RFM95, so I would like to use an RFM95 to design a smaller PCB.
I already do have a design using a PIC and RFM95, but only as a LoRa-Node as a point to point transmission, not as an LoRaWAN-Node. But LoRaWAN would be an option, so I could change to LoRaWAN only by changing the firmware if I had a LoRaWAN stack for the PIC.

As you’ve mentioned, you can get the firmware for the RN2483 which is an SX127x with a PIC18LF46K22 so I guess porting it over to your own PIC on CCS is possible.

But given the troubles we have here with people getting known good hardware with known good stacks going, you may well be doing a whole pile of make-work alone.

What is it about PIC that makes you consider this project? Could you look at an ARM based MCU with RFM95?


Are you knowing this?:


@descartes Hello Nick, I’m familiar with PICs, all my application are based on PIC. So I do not like to change to another MCU.

@Nordrunner Hello Jens, thanks for the link, I will check.