LoRaWAN in Samoa and Impact on 4G/3G network

I’ve noticed that it is particularly difficult to find commercially available gateways that support the lower bands (433-470MHz). Due to frequency regulations where I’m at, we’re limited to these bands but like I said it’s difficult to get a hold of the hardware (for both gateways and nodes). Could anyone point me in the right direction of an global retailer? Also, if anyone could explain the impact of LoRa networks on 4G/3G operating around the higher frequencies, that would be great thanks.

Most global GW vendors, or suppliers of GW Concentrator cards for systems integrations, will have an offering for the Chinese market - around ~470Mhz. Look for these :slight_smile: Obviously most Chinese/Greater China influence area focussed vendors also offer them. It may be that local distributors or subsidiaries dont offer local to you but a search on most search engines, online market places, or the vendors own websites should reveal these. I believe RAK Wireless, Dragino, Milesight (formerly Ursalink), Rising HF etc, will have an offering.

There should not be any notable impact between the networks, if operated correctly and legally within authorised bands, as that is the whole point of the various global and local regulatory approvals and specifications. Its possible at some frequencies that small overspill and front end loading could happen if GW operated close to a higher powered Cell tower transmitter at some colo sites. In know from historic test deployments with some Cell co’s that there the pro’s use narrower band antennas with additional ant line feed filters to further attenuate and given typical vertical ant alignment they then ensure physical vertical seperation to avoid direct injection, potentially with some intermediate screening mesh or plate blocking filters to help mitigate. (Think close proximity of 800Mhz Cell & LoRa bands…)

Note most LTE enabled outdoor GW’s (and indeed indoor gws) have their LoRaWAN and LTE ants (and often indeed their WiFi ants) just centimeteres apart and roughly vertically aligned, but work fine :slight_smile: e.g.

Obviously you need to confirm what the approved LoRaWAN use bands would be in your territory! Just 'cause you can buy doesnt mean you can use :wink:

Check the LoRa-Alliance RP’s

Looks like 433Mhz vs 470Mhz, I think you should be running under EU868 locally as globally the SubGhz bands (868/915/923) are prefered and more widely supported with products and services and with better availablility of channels - that would be supported via TTN freq plans. :slight_smile:

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