LoRaWAN FOTA using TTN as network server

I am using STM32WLJC1 Nucleo as end node device and LoRaWAN_FUOTA example code provided in STM32WL software package as reference.

I want to push firmware updates over air to end device.

I am using MQTT based custom JavaScript provided here as FOTA server.
I have followed the steps listed here and customized the config section as needed.

I see the MQTT connection getting established but no progress afterwards.

I wish to know to know if any separate multicast session needs to be setup for this at network server side also?

Any example ,resources or help to establish me this chain for LoRaWAN FOTA will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Recommendation is if interested in using FUOTA go talk to the TTI core team about using a paid instance of TTS either self hosted or in the cloud as I believe they may support through that route. TTN has a fair use policy which limits user to 30sec of uplink air time per day and a max of 10 downlinks per day per device…this is not considered enough to effect FUOTA, only maybe switch a simple status or a few bytes or change a mode in the end device (using fw already programmed in not written and amended over the air.). Note use of the word Max here…consensus is most devices should only see say join accept as dl save state to survive e.g. power out/battery swaps and never need again (ok adr messages from server might be exception :wink: ), or by consensus maybe 1 a month or one maybe 1 a week… fact is each one of your dl’s causes sending gw to go deaf for the duration rendering it unable to hears other nodes in the community - a massively asymmetric benefit/cost.

I’ve moved the question to a topic out of Communities to something more appropriate.