LoRaWAN 1.1 Regional Parameters rev. B

LoRaWAN 1.1 Regional Parameters rev. B Available Now

Have anyone took a look at them?

new region specified for Russia and a country list pointing to usable regions

Yeah, thnaks, already got a copy.

It will be hard to use LoRaWAN in Russia :slight_smile:

conatinung really curious (wrong?) data for most of ex-USSR countries.

Not really hard. Is there a plan to add Russia to list of supported regions on TTN? This frequency plan is already implemented in @brocaar LoRaWAN library. All production networks in Russia run on this frequency plan since autumn last year.



I visited this URL:
where one can find the frequency plan for Peru, and it says US902-928

But according to regional parameters specification v1.1 rB, the frequency plan for Peru is: AU915-928, AS923

Am I missing something.

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The correct ones are AU915-928 and AS923
This is possible to use 4W EIRP but only in the 916-928 MHz range (not 915-916MHz range)
that’s why you can’t use US902-928.

"Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones

Resolucion N° 309-2012-MTC/03"

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Hello! We are new as TTN Bishkek and wondering about the frequency plan for Kyrgyzstan. In the TTN country frequency guide (https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/wiki/LoRaWAN/Frequencies/By-Country) there is no information regarding the frequency for Kyrgyzstan. Does anyone know if this means no frequency has been allocated Or even permissible and will we need to go through regulatory hoops to get this enacted first?
As we are a new community we have lots of plans and hopes to get this going here but I guess the frequency plan is the first thing we need to sort out and perhaps we can also help as TTN if regulatory documents need to be developed etc.

LoRaWan frequency is 868 MHz in Kyrgyzstan