LoRaServer.io Gateway Bridge, using TTN as MQTT broker and LoRa Server

Hi all,

I’m sure this is a silly question, but how would I configure the Gateway Bridge (on a Laird Sentrius RG186) to send via MQTT to TTN? I’ll save the details, but I need to use MQTT and not the usual packet forwarder (I want to involve a step between the gateway bridge and TTN).

The topology would look like this:

LoRa Gateway running LoRaServer Gateway Bridge -> MQTT -> TTN


The TTN ‘uplink’ structure seems like a good starting place, however I still can’t understand if the two are alike. As an example, here’s an mqtt output from the gateway bridge, with some personal info edited:

"rxInfo": {
	"mac": "abcdefabcdef",
	"time": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
	"timestamp": 723146052,
	"frequency": 868300000,
	"channel": 1,
	"rfChain": 1,
	"crcStatus": 1,
	"codeRate": "4/5",
	"rssi": -37,
	"loRaSNR": 9.8,
	"size": 25,
	"dataRate": {
		"modulation": "LORA",
		"spreadFactor": 12,
		"bandwidth": 125
"phyPayload": "abcdef” }

Decoding the phyPayload using the lora-packet, I believe I get the TTN uplink data structure.

TTN uses protobuf over mqtt for gateway to backend connectivity. Check the TTN github repo for ttn-gateway-connector sources for more information.