Lorank 8 with resin.io and Multi Protocol Packet Forwarder

Did anyone install resin.io + MP-Pkt-Fwd on a Lorank 8 Gateway? As far as i know there is a beagleboard inside + imst ic880a, so its pretty similar to the normale raspi + ic880a setup. Is there anything i have to look out for? Special version of the forwarder? Reset pin? etc.? Got a Lorank 8 on my desk (haven’t opened it - yet) and want to have a go with it…

I have been looking at it but am close to the max number of devices for a free account with RPi based gateways. For reset you will need to use the code included on the ‘factory’ image. The packet forwarder does not reset the Beagle Bone Green.
I did build MP forwarder on resin for the BB Green but can’t recall if I did anything special as it was some time ago (and I’m far too busy).

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I’m testing this setup now, and so far everything seems to work fine:

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Is there a how to somewhere how to build and install this on a ideetron Lorank8 ?

Heads up on this, I originally wrote this for ‘resin classic’, rather than their new ‘multi-container’ one. As such, I think you might encounter some SPI issues if you try using the newer image - I found the SPI device wasn’t appearing within the container without a nasty workaround. If there’s demand for the multi-container image, I’ll try putting something together.

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Hi to all,

i have here an Lorank 8 which needs to be reinstalled. So i would like to try the software from @azazeal with a new resin image.

@Caspar @jpmeijers did you try it with a new resin imgae?

I recently (about 3 weeks ago) installed my Lorank8 with resin.io, works without any problem with the existing repo contents. Keep in mind the Lorank8 is a BeagleBone Green (not Black) when creating the application.


Hi all,
any chance anyone has a working Lorank8 running with balena ?
Can you please push code on a repo?

This one https://github.com/danielknox/ttn-resin-gateway-bbb
can not start the concentrator.
