LoraButton cannot join to dragino gateway, no logs

I’m using a LoRaButton RAK LB801 to connect to TTN through a Dragino gateway using LoRaWan protocol.
but when i tried to make an OTAA join it failed, it just say “Fail” when i execute the “at+join=otaa”

i already check the logs on the gateway and they are empty, but the configuration seems alright

here is an image with the configuration

so please any idea about why the gateway doesn’t receive the button signal even though it’s online is very much appreciated

here is the configuration i used on TTN

here is the config of the button






You asked the same at the RAK support forum :roll_eyes:

yes but I still don’t get an answer

where can i find it?

who must I ask ?

nobody knows?

make sure that your button AND your gateway work on the same channel.
but first check if your gateway is registered @ TTN and working ok… did you upgrade
to the latest firmware ?

use search in this forum… there is more info

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