LoRa Repeater from Invisible

Any experience or feedback on this product?


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they have a nice looking 1308 based LoRaWAN Mini Indoor Gateway
but I can’t find more tech info or pricing of products

Ultra-RF is ISL’s proprietary build using LoRa Phy layer - good products overall for commercial and industrial IoT use - one of the earlier adopters of LoRa. Ultra-RF repeater called out is range extender for their system only not LoRaWAN. Since engaging with LoRa some 4.5 years ago when they started transitioning away from legacy (FSK) offerings they were one of the 1st out the shoot with a certified (CE/ETSI/FCC) product/set using the technology in the UK in 1H’14. After much lobbying they joined the LoRa Alliance last year for potential ‘roadmap’ offering…believe I know the background to the Mini-Hub also, just checking with the team as this may be an early ‘leak’ :wink: If anyone on the forum is interested in either Ultra-RF solutions or roadmap PM me and I will see what I can advise subject to NDA’s…

If you want to know more look here http://www.invisible-systems.com/materials/catalogues/ as I say PM me or if you contact direct just tell 'em Jeff sent you! :wink:

we are an OPEN community :sunglasses:

agreed & understood but that doesn’t overide any commercial or (non) disclosure obligations! :wink: :sunglasses:

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agreed, seems you are close to the source… signal a fix for that website and where we can find product prices :wink:

Already flagged broken link (their site was revamped a while back and still settling down I believe) - lets just say old friends and long historic contacts. Would not want to ‘pollute’ TTN/forum with going into any details here hence suggestion to interested parties that they contact me if interested (note for disclosure I don’t work for them but have great respect for the what they have done so far and stay in regular contact with the management & team). They don’t publish a price list directly as they typically work on referrals and through channels & system integrators apart from a few key accounts, and typically their work is contract/bid based (e.g. through EUJ for corporates, infrastructure projects, local/national gov and academic sites etc.) vs end user/maker community. Also their quotes are typically confidential (hence my hesitance) and that may be at odds with the ‘open’ way many on the forum share £/$/€ info…hence keeping separate.

If/when they have something of general interest re LoRaWAN I will point them towards the ‘BIG product placement allowed’ thread you initiated…or may do them a favour and post for them when ready :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the feedback gentlemen.