This’ll probably get me into trouble.
I’m new to LoRa, LoRaWan (et al) and completed my end to end test system a couple of weeks ago. All is working well and stability is good.
My main problem with the LoRa world is that unless I want to spend my nights in a shed with a soldering iron and growing a ginger beard, I’m kind of stuck because there is nothing to buy and sensors that are for sale either cost a lot of money or are in China. I’m in the EU which is 4 delivery days away from China + 1 month for FedEx to do something.
In my opinion, city based LoRa with its associated sensor prices (have you seen the price of a manhole cover sensor) make for a dead stick (queue argument) so I’m concentrating on the countryside where (I perceive that) there is a real need for this tech. I’m a farmer.
Next please excuse my language. I have been told that I don’t act like a “proper” engineer and act more like a game show host. I think that might have been a negative comment but I’m too shallow to realise it.
For me the public gateway aspect of LoRaWan is great, however trying to convince village councils to part with, say 400 euros for a gateway, a bit of church tower and a sniff of their internet connection is impossible without demonstrating working use cases. Even borrowing a fire department, undergrowth clearing donkey for a few days, so I can slap a tracker on it, is really tough.
So, long story short, is there a strategy for the advancement of LoRa ecosystems? The infrastructure exists and engineers in sheds exist, but everyone just seems “comfortable” in their silos. Meanwhile hoards of starving sales zombies are roaming the internet trying to flog disparate “smart” stuff solutions for a lot of money. And as for “The LoRa (well smell money) Alliance”, nuff said.
What I would love to do is get a few councils to each install a gateway and then add a couple of well thought out applications so they can actually see this stuff working and how cheap it can be. Then I can move up a hierarchy to county level with my show and tell.
What I need is a few CHEAP* flame sensors and a few CHEAP* animal trackers that are LoRaWan compliant so I can demonstrate how easy all this can be without having to resort to wearing a black cloak, sacrificing chickens and whilst chanting “UART, UART”.
Definition of CHEAP*: at least half the price you’re thinking of and then half of that.
If anyone knows where to buy this stuff, please PM me or reply. I think my browser has run out of tabs.