LoRa communication without LoRaWAN (RAK2245)

I am an undergraduate student and I need some help with LoRa technology. Please bear with me as I may not have a complete understanding of the topic.

I have used feather M0 LoRa modules to communicate with each other, but I want to receive multiple values simultaneously.

To achieve this, I purchased RAK2245 with an SX1301 module and connected it to a Raspberry Pi 3B+.

My goal is to receive data values from three feather M0 LoRa modules using only LoRa communication at the physical layer, without the use of LoRaWAN or TTN.

My question is:

is it possible to use LoRa communication without LoRaWAN with RAK2245?

If so, what challenges can I expect when implementing this?

Thank you.

Getting support, may likley be the major issue.

Unfortunatly this TTN forum does not provide support for point to point LoRa applications.


However, this forum is about TTN and LoRaWAN, not other solutions involving Lora.