Location Info for moving gateways

We are going to implement two new gateways. They will (sometimes) be used at different locations (workshops).

What is the right/best information in the settings? Lat/lon = 0.0?

No, those gateways should not provide location information at all. What hardware/software will you be using?

We will use LORIX One gateways. Is it ok to set the location temporary just to show how it works?

You have two options:

  • Set the location to the correct one whenever you operate the gateway. So set it to the workshop location for the workshop and update it to whatever the location is when switching it on next time.
  • Never send location information.

Any other option might produce invalid results for someone depending on location information being correct, including using 0,0. (What would your software do if a gateway at 0,0 reported it has received your packet?)

Ok, option 1 is the way we’ll do it. Thanks!