I am a new user registered at the “TTN” platform. I have two modules that I would like to deploy and I have wanted to initiate community for the city I live in.
But, if I am not mistaken, in the form page to initiate community there is a marked mandatory field to provide my linkedin account, but I do not have one.
I doubt it is validated in real time and I sort of doubt TTI have the time to go looking at our LinkedIn accounts - mine is a placeholder that pokes fun at the corporate types so I’d never have passed.
Yeah, I though of N/A, NA, NotAvailabe but I just wanted to make sure because it is marked mandatory?
I do not know how LinkedIN works as I have never looked into it, so I thought there might be a reason, but I think (IMHO) it is no different than any other social network, at it’s core
Who knows, we aren’t staff, just volunteers. Once upon a time it probably made sense, but it is indeed another sort of social media bragging & whining platform.
Its not manadatory - I’ve never used when triggering a community and indeed (at least in early days) prefered to stay a little anon - esp since its was acquired by a certain large s/w co! Also I doubt it would fit the community ethos to ‘force’ users to use such a platform or any other ‘social media’ where data slurpng and underlying advertising is a motivation for the platform.
Consider such links as optional and ‘tools’ to be used where appropriate and where comfortable in communicating with other community members… IMHO!
Some people swear by Twitter, FBook, L-In etc and like to use them, others just swear at them (and their tracking icons, etc.)
Thanks guys!
I tried with “garbage” data and made clear of that in the “notes”.
But, now it throws me a “server error” upon submission. Will try tommorw again.
Hi @yu3fms,
Great that you’re starting a community1 When you don’t manage to fill out the form, please send an email to community@thethignsnewtork.org and we’ll take up the community initiation request.