Linkedin account mandatory to start community?


I am a new user registered at the “TTN” platform. I have two modules that I would like to deploy and I have wanted to initiate community for the city I live in.
But, if I am not mistaken, in the form page to initiate community there is a marked mandatory field to provide my linkedin account, but I do not have one.

So, I can not create a community?

Thank You in advance, best regards!

I doubt it is validated in real time and I sort of doubt TTI have the time to go looking at our LinkedIn accounts - mine is a placeholder that pokes fun at the corporate types so I’d never have passed.

So why not put NA in the form.

Thank You Nick.

Yeah, I though of N/A, NA, NotAvailabe but I just wanted to make sure because it is marked mandatory?
I do not know how LinkedIN works as I have never looked into it, so I thought there might be a reason, but I think (IMHO) it is no different than any other social network, at it’s core :slight_smile:

So, why mandatory?

Who knows, we aren’t staff, just volunteers. Once upon a time it probably made sense, but it is indeed another sort of social media bragging & whining platform.

Its not manadatory - I’ve never used when triggering a community and indeed (at least in early days) prefered to stay a little anon :wink: - esp since its was acquired by a certain large s/w co! Also I doubt it would fit the community ethos to ‘force’ users to use such a platform or any other ‘social media’ where data slurpng and underlying advertising is a motivation for the platform. :sunglasses:

Consider such links as optional and ‘tools’ to be used where appropriate and where comfortable in communicating with other community members… IMHO!

Some people swear by Twitter, FBook, L-In etc and like to use them, others just swear at them (and their tracking icons, etc.) :rofl:

Thanks guys!
I tried with “garbage” data and made clear of that in the “notes”.
But, now it throws me a “server error” upon submission. Will try tommorw again.

Best regards!

Keep It Simple - you may have been blocked simply by using characters that aren’t valid for a LinkedIn account.

@laurens, can you suggest to @yu3fms what to put in to the LinkedIn box on the community registration page - he doesn’t have a LinkedIn account.

Well, I’ve put “notavailabile”…

It was not relevant in my community application!
I cant remember what i typed in.

Try leaving it blank, check other fields have normal <128 ASCII characters …

Hi @yu3fms,
Great that you’re starting a community1 When you don’t manage to fill out the form, please send an email to and we’ll take up the community initiation request.