LinkADRReq, Downlink not readable

So far I’ve worked a lot with the LoRa Server Chirpstack. If there is a downlink of the MAC command LinkADRReq, this can be viewed in the console of the LoRa server and you can see which channels or which data rate is being transmitted to the LoRa node.
In the TTN V3 I can see the downlink in the console of the gateway, but what is being transmitted cannot be seen? Only information such as frequency or the raw_payload or spreading factor can be seen, but not what was transmitted.
Can you see the content of the LinkADRReq somewhere in the TTN V3?


The gateway wouldn’t care about that, so the gateway view wouldn’t display it.

The device view might.

Or you can take the base64 encoded dowlink packet and parse it yourself. MAC commands in the fopts field are not encrypted, even though the application payload portion of the message is.

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