Lgt-92 dr 7


I am trying to set my LGT-92 to the Data Rate 7.
I am using the following commands:

But I have the message “ERROR: Not in Range”
I can set up to AT+DR=4, after that I have this error message. Do you have an idea?

I suppose you try to set the Spreading Factor? DR sets the Data Rate, so you have to use DR5:

LoRaWAN Data Rates - blog.dbrgn.ch

best regards

Indeed I talked about spreading factor. I want to set it to SF7 for TTN (not sure it will change anything…)

No I better understand why I had an error!
So I guess the best is to set the data rate to 13? Or there is a link between data rate and coverage?

Just see the link: In EU for example SF7 corresponds to DR5


Yes but I have a US frequency :slight_smile:

In you example why DR5 and not DR6?

If using in US on 915 then you have the 400ms limit or dwell time to consider and SF beyond 10 not an option…SF 7 allowed and just fine :slight_smile: and data basically the same…

Hm. Because TTN is suggesting SF7BW125:
Data Rate should be as fast as possible to minimize your airtime. SF7BW125 is usually a good place to start, as it consumes the least power and airtime. ( Limitations | The Things Network) - actually I never tried the 250kbit bandwith. So DR3 should be your choice :slight_smile:

OK thanks I will try that

It looks like if I set my tracker to SF7BW125, communication with gateway doesn’t work. I have always rxtimeout. Is it because the activation method is OTAA?

With the adaptive date rate ON it works well…

You may not want to use OTAA for range mapping, or at least, if you do, you’re going to have to start out in range of a gateway so that you can get successfully registered.

Beware that while OTAA and adaptive data rate (ADR - which you definitely do not want for mapping) are theoretically distinct, in practice many node stacks make assumptions which deeply intertwine them, such that OTAA without ADR may just not be an option for your node.

ABP is probably simplest for mapping.

OK thanks I will try ABP in that case