Learning and Teaching LoRaWAN - Free book and videos

Hi all,
I 've been asked to give a 15 minutes keynote at the things conference 2023 about : “Learning and Teaching LoRaWAN”.

While IoT and LoRaWAN are widely documented, it’s still hard to start learning and even harder to start teaching a new course on these topics. And yet, LoRaWAN is definitely a great choice to illustrate LPWAN challenges.

Here is the guideline of the presentation :
:point_right: Start learning today: I will provide many educational ressources to improve your skills in IoT and LoRaWAN.
:point_right: Start teaching tomorrow: I will provide many “ready to use” educational ressources for your students.
:point_right:Start practicing soon : I will provide many hands-on to make the learning experience more enjoyable to your student.

All of this is always free for education (please ask). And best of all, an unlimited number of free liftetime access to our E-learning platform is offered to everyone during the things conference :

Feel free to give feedback on these ressources.

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Hi, As I am teaching LoRaWAN as part our IOT classes, I hope to meet you tomorrow or friday at TTC.
Cu, Remko.

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