Hi! I have the Kick Start TTN gateway, it was previously connected to the stack and worked. Recently location was changed and tried to re-connect it. Basically only the WiFi changed. The situation is that it enters kind of an activation loop, we tried both Ethernet and WiFi. From the leds we already got rid of 1st led-ON, 2-st led-ON, 3rd led-fast blinking, we know this was bad configuration, but new it reaches state with 1st led ON, 2nd led ON, 3rd led-slowly blinking, and sometimes the 3rd led OF and 2nd led slowly blinking. Seems to oscillate between activating and checking internet connection. Any idea on how to debug it? May there be an impact because it was previously connected from other place? Thank you very much. Wish you the best!
how long ago?
what firmware version? cert died a while back and if firmware didnt update when last on line would likely fail to authenticate now if old cert.
Hi Jeff-UK, thanks for your reply!
Last time we used it was in September 2024. It was connected and active and working properly. This was in a different location. So 5 months ago.
The firmware was updated to v1.0.9-eb004399 before we activated and connected it in the first place. It came from the warehouse with v.1.0.7 I remember and on the website says needs newer version starting with v1.0.8.So we now have v1.0.9-eb004399, this is what is indicated in the portal inside The Things Stack fir our application.
Do you mean API keys or I am getting it wrong when you refer to cert?
If API keys, yes, the one we had expired, tried to update the date directly inside The Things Stack portal, even created a new one with valid expiration date, but didn’t work either. But to mention we didn’t delete the first expired API key that is updated to a new expiration date.
How can we update the cert?
Would a new firmware update get it working again?
Thank you!
If active last Sept and set to auto update in previous config you should be ok - firmware rev looks late enough to have dodged the cert issue which IIRC was 2023? Still corruption is always possible. If you feel need to update/reflash then details here:
As for the LED status details here:
Looks like local network connection ok but struggling to Activate. Does new location use a new/alternate ISP/backhaul provider? (Have seen issues with some GW’s in past - though not directly with the TTKGW - where ports used by GW to connect to LNS/activation server blocked by ISP.)
Are you on TTN (TTS Sandbox) or using a TTS private/hosted instance?
When you updated have you configured to same/correct server url in GW internal config?
Hi Jeff-UK!
Do we know what ports are used? Wondering if I can check with commands or some online tools to see weather or not something is blocked. Will check the ISP, is there already a black list?
I think TTN (TTS Sandbox) but not sure. The format is: https://.nam1.cloud.thethings.industries
Yes, I configured the same server address. The way it remained inside TTN portal for my app. Not sure if makes a difference ending or not with “/”. https://.nam1.cloud.thethings.industries vs https://.nam1.cloud.thethings.industries/. Judging inside TTN portal I have without “/”, that’s how it connected before.
I am uploading the gateway information at Region is blank, Gateway Card is ND. Both Activation locked and Config correct false. Are there some hints? Shouldn’t be Configs correct since 3rd LED does not fast blink?
Thank you very much.
Can you recall where you registered? The format would be for a TTI instance, that is not TTN, in the North America’s and it would need a tenant id before the first period.
Yes, sorry, you are right. I erased the tenant and meant to leave a placeholder but forgot.
OK, so the port info is two sections up from the network addresses …
Checked the 443 port with the following command:
curl -v https://tenant-id.nam1.cloud.thethings.industries:443
I got the following confirmation:
Connected to tenant-id.nam1.ccloud.thethings.industries (ip) port 443
Do you have other suggestion regarding what can be furthermore checked?
Or the best alternative now is to reupdate firmware to exclude the corruption situation?
Thank you very much!
The kickstarter gateways requires at least 1 other port for the mqtts connection. May-be you need to check that one as well.
Also I would recommend testing with the ending slash. Make sure to have https:// at the start of the string as well.
Re-updated the firmware but the state remained the same.
The other port you mentioned for mqtts connection, do you know which one is it? Or where can I find it?
We wanted to test as well with mobile hotspot but the gateway didn’t detect the network.
I am confused here weather at this point Config correct should be true and Gateway Card detected and Region too. Shall something be different even though activation is not ultimately successfully?
This is confusing.
Thank you very much!
Google knows as it is the standard port for the protocol…
Thank you!
All the ports seem open and not blocked since with the curl command I get the following confirmation:
* Connected to tenant-id.nam1.cloud.thethings.industries (ip) port 1883|8883|80|443.
Do you have other idea for troubleshooting?