Kerlink Station provisioning script failed (download lorad.json)

Hi everyone, I want to deploy Kerlink Stations (Firmware 3.6) into V3 and I’m using the provisioning script to install CPF and to connect the Gateway to V3.

I created the Gateway on V3 and ran the provisioning script.
CPF was installed successfully.
The next step failed:
./ ‘wirnet-station’ '10.x.y.z’ ‘’ '7276FF000xxxxxxxx‘ 'NNSXS.FBLBQGLT3BBKIM66EXTT7Hxyz‘
root@10.x.y.z.’s password:
Downloading config from ‘’ to ‘/tmp/tmp.Uff9ZsFfEB/conf’ locally…
Config download failed:
curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 400 Bad Request

Any hint how to solve this? Is the download of lorad.json no longer possible?
Thank you.


Did you find any solution this problem. I am having the same problem when trying to provision our kerlink gateway

Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated