Just given away control of my gateway!

I tried to transfer ownership of my gateway edinburgh-brunstane to myself from one account to another. It appears to have been transferred to someone else with the same name (David). How do I get it back?

Have you contacted them and simply asked them to transfer back?

I thought about that but I can’t find the David that I transferred it to in the user list. There are quite a few David’s but I don’t know which one has the username ‘david’

try forum search “@david” dont think list is long… a name might jump out - what was name you were transfering to? that may help trigger recollection if you also try ad type that one character at a time - different options should appear as name is refined…

Do you have EUI or Gateway ID or description? If on a community man new owners name will show up if you look at community view vs overall gateway map - unless settings set to private!

Actually I just took a look and can see on Edinburgh Map - user David


Who looks to be the Initiator of the Boston Community - you can message him directly through his profile page:


It maybe he isnt active on the forum but profile provides another route…Ask nicely! :wink:

Many thanks for your help, I have contacted David via his profile.