Join not accepted: denied - RN2903 RF CLICK2


I´m using an Arduino Leonardo with a LoRa RF 2 click (MIKROE-2225) (RN2903). I´m trying to connect to the TTN server with TheThingNetwor arduino library by OTAA and this is what i get:

Sending: mac join otaa
Join not accepted: denied
Check your coverage, keys and backend status.
Sending: mac join otaa

This is repeated over and over again while in the TTN server i see the following:

The server gets the join request, the server answer with “join accept” but still the arduino keep trying to connect.

I read somewher in the forum that the RF 2click module requier 125mA that most arduinos can not supply. Is that right?

I appreciate any help.


Hi any news? I have similar issue:

Join not accepted: denied

in general you can say when you are ‘denied’ that there is something wrong with your keys.
(or transmitting to fast)

to avoid key errors always copy the keys from the bottom of your console / device page and
paste them into your sketch.



Thank you for your interest.
I copied the keys from the ttn console but I was stuck.
I decided to delete the application and create a brand new
After a while getting the issue again it suddenly joined…

For the moment I have plugged in batteries in my node and I am enjoying the integration features.
Weird issue…

Thibaut de Sany

I’m suffering from the same. I have configuration my lora mote as sf12,BW125,CR 4/5 and Tx power as 1(14dBm). I’m getting the connection request from mote to gateway(see attached Image) but no accept the response from ttn.ection request from gateway but no accept the response from ttn.
I’m using Microchip LoRa 800 development kit.


I’m having exactly the same issue. The funny (well, surprising) thing is, I only get it for SF11 and SF12; for SF7 to SF10 everything works perfectly. This might be a lead?

I am having the same issue.
I’ve run it over twice but still the same message on the serial monitor:

Sending: mac join otaa
Response is not OK: no_free_ch
Send join command failed

you are using a RN2903 in NL ?

No, I’m using RN2483 but based on what I’ve seen, this same issue seems to show up on RN2903 too. However, using ABP instead of OTAA fixed the issue for me!