I am having trouble joining over otaa.
LoRa Module: RN2903
Gateway: Basic Station running as a docker container on a RAK2243 PiHat on a Pi4.
My node and gateway are quite close at the moment (3 meters) for this stage of development. Is this too close?
Before sending the otaa join request, I set the radio sf to sf7 as I’ve read that the default sf12 can cause issues. This my configuration…
RN2903_cmd("mac set deveui " HWEUI "\r\n");
RN2903_cmd("mac set devaddr 00000000\r\n");
RN2903_cmd("mac set appskey 00000000000000000000000000000000\r\n");
RN2903_cmd("mac set nwkskey 00000000000000000000000000000000\r\n");
RN2903_cmd("mac set appkey " APPKEY "\r\n");
RN2903_cmd("mac set appeui " APPEUI "\r\n");
RN2903_cmd("mac set ar on\r\n");
RN2903_cmd("mac set rxdelay1 5000\r\n");
RN2903_cmd("mac set adr off\r\n");
RN2903_cmd("mac save\r\n");
then before joining, I
RN2903_cmd(“mac pause\r\n”);
RN2903_cmd(“radio set sf sf7\r\n”);
RN2903_cmd(“mac resume\r\n”);
My gateway receives the join request and appears to receive
And it appears that the join server accepts the request
But the RN2903 sends back
Rx: ok
Rx: denied
meaning that the join procedure was unsuccessful.
Is the problem that the RN2903 does not receive it in time? Are there any suggestions as to how I can look further into the problem?
I will add this in case it helps as well:
Could this be a timing issue with the end node?
As a side note, sometimes after joining over abp, my first confirmed tx results in a mac error even though the payload arrives at the application. subsequent unconfirmed tx (mostly I just used uncnf) usually arrive fine, though on occasion, I see an invalid payload. Does this happen if the frame count is off? or would that cause the gateway to ignore since the MIC would fail?
Thank you for any suggestions.