Issue with LinkADRReq Persistence on TTN with LoRaWAN v1.0.4 and rp002-1.0.3

We are experiencing an issue with our device operating on LoRaWAN v1.0.4 with rp002-1.0.3. Below are the details:

  1. Device and Configuration:
  • Our device is configured to work in the 868.1 MHz region on the TTN console.
  • The device does not support ADR (Adaptive Data Rate).
  1. Problem Encountered:
  • After successfully joining the network, the LNS (LoRaWAN Network Server) initiates a LinkADRReq.
  • The device modifies its frequency and responds with a LinkADRAns indicating ChannelMaskACK is okay (0x01).
  • However, the LNS continuously sends LinkADRReq messages and does not stop until the device responds with LinkADRAns (0x07).
  1. Question:
  • Since our device does not support ADR, shouldn’t the LNS avoid checking the PowerACK and DataRateACK bits?

We would appreciate any insights or solutions regarding this issue.

What LoRaWAN library do you use? Is it self-crafted, or one that is provided by a manufacturer, or publicly available on the internet? Please provide us with a link if possible so we can check out what’s happening.

What I assume would be the issue, is that the uplink frames have the ADR bit set, meaning that the device would be ADR-capable, but in fact is not.

By this: “Our device is configured to work in the 868.1 MHz region on the TTN console” - do you mean it operates in the EU868 single channel region? Or does it support all EU868 channels?

How would it know?

PS, when you say “checking” do you mean setting or do you mean inspecting?