Issue with a gateway accepting a join of some sensors

I have a new gateway in Canary Islans and i am getting this issue that i haven’t seen before in other gateways in continental Spain.
As you can see in the image, i am getting a “Downlink transmision failed with result TOO_EARLY” and also: “failed to schedule on path {gateway_uid}” “failed to schedule join accept for transmission on Gateway Server”
I have also read that rising the “Schedule any time delay” in the gateway settings may solved the issue, so I have tried it, rising this number to 2.1s, and i thing now it works better, but still missing lots of messages, also i don’t know if i can rise this number as much as i want, that is why i am asking here. Thank in advance

That means the downlink actually getting to the gateway too late. Increasing the setting you changed is the right solution if you can’t use a faster (lower ping times to Ireland) internet connection.

The maximum is about 4 seconds.

Hi Kersing,
Sorry, i didn’t answer, thank you very much for your help, I am still loosing some message, but I am happy with the improvements, so it works as much as it was possible. The ping there is what it is.
Kind regards

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