Is there a LoRaWan Gateway providing MQTT connection?

Hi all,

I am quite new to LoRaWan and I was wondering if there is a LoRaWan Gateway providing MQTT connectivity so that the data can be send into my cloud. In my Cloud I have other devices (not being LoRa).

Does someone know if there is a DevKit which brings LoRa and MQTT together?

I look forward to your ideas.

Have a great weekend! :slight_smile:

Depends on if you want to run the Network & Application server on the gateway (not great but OK for a developer situation) or if you want it to communicate with a Network & Application server in your cloud.

The first, yes, examples at Second, personally I don’t know.

BUT and it’s a big one, we are TTN, so gateways we discuss here are connected to TTN so the community can benefit - if you are going solo this is not the forum you are looking for. Chirpstack may be able to help.

A gateway as defined in LoRaWAN will not be sufficient. You will need backend software somewhere as that handles packet decryption (and other things). There are gateways where backend software runs on the gateway, some of them might include mqtt connectivity but as far as I know that would be they run a broker where you subscribe.
If you subscribing is acceptable you can also buy a gateway, connect it to TTN and use the TTN backend which allows you to subscribe to mqtt topics to get your data.

The gateway only forwards messages to the TTN backend. It cannot read their contents. That is not how LoRaWAN and The Things Network work. Unless as @kersing mentioned you run your own private LoRaWAN backend services on your gateway (or other system) but that would be unrelated to The Things Network.

You can interface to the TTN backend via MQTT with an MQTT client to receive the decoded messages that your nodes send via your (and other) gateway(s) to the TTN backend.

The MQTT client/your application can be hosted in your cloud or locally and then forward traffic to your cloud. If you have your own MQTT server (local or in your cloud) you can setup a MQTT bridge from your MQTT server to the TTN backend.

Lora + MQTT isn’t so hard to setup. If you need actual lorawan use TTN there you have MQTT integration, its actually simlpe to set up too. I use the free version of to shift the MQTT lorawan data to my local Pi/nodeRED to make something useful of the collected data. I’m not sure what you expect for ideas… i mean you’ve given me very little to go on, I have absolutly no idea what you want to collect, or monitor, Maybe to get actual useful ideas it would help if you explain what you want to accomplish.

Dragino LPS8/DLOS8 can decode ABP devices data and publish them to a MQTT broker. No need for a LoRaWAN server. :slight_smile:

That’s incorrect - a LoRaWAN server is still involved, it just happens to be running on the computer built into the gateway. Many (most?) other vendors offer that also, and it’s available for DIY setups, too.

Anyway given that this is the TTN forum, only TTN is on topic.

One can subscribe to the decoded output of TTN, or one can make a bridge to push that to some other broker.

Hi all,
thank you very much for all the responses. As mentioned, I am quite new to LoRaWAN. I will follow the way via the TTN backend to subscripe to MQTT.

Thank you very much @all for your help and suggestions.

Allright, no need for an external LoRaWAN configuration. DIY is not the point of celling for Dragino, main purpose is for sites that don’t have an active internet connection.