I would like to know if it is possible to develop a LoRaWAN application for the nucleo-wl55jc1-board using the Arduino IDE.
I found the following information:
→ STM32WL55JC Nucleo WL55JC1 2.1.0 LoRa support not available
→ This library provides support for LoRaWAN communication using the STM32WL55 microcontroller …
(For a first test I compiled the LoRaWAN_AT_Slave example with the stm32cube IDE,
the example works fine with TTN, but I want to use the Arduino IDE instead of the stm32cube IDE).
I was able to get a seeed lora-e5 mini working with this library:
This board is not be exactly the same as a nucleo-wl55jc1 board, however I used it with the following platformio.ini configuration (which specifies the nucleo_wl55jc):
With this configuration I see that the node sends an OTAA join and receives a device address from TTN. So I’m pretty sure that this works with a nucleo board as well.
I prefer platformio over the arduino IDE. I use platform CLI + editor of my choice.
So I’m using the arduino platform, just not the arduino IDE.
With platformio, you place this platformio.ini file next to the .ino file, then compile + upload it from the command line using:
pio run -t upload
The .ino file I used is this one from the examples/ directory (with my own OTAA credentials instead of all-zeros key):