Is placing a gateway antenna near wifi antenna possible?

If I place my ttn gateway antenna near my outdoor wifi antenna, can this cause issues on either the wifi or lorawan side?

Although my 2.4/5 ghz wifi and 868 mhz lorawan gateway work in different frequency areas, I still wonder if and how they might affect each other.

Otherwise I can place both antenna’s on a single pole on the roof.

Does anyone have some experience with such a combination?

Thx, Patrick

Bump! Nobody an opinion on this?

At first: What is “near”?

I guess that the Wifi won’t care too much (since the gateway is barely ever transmitting anyway)
I am not too sure about the LoRa gateway as the recievers have very high sensitivity and Wifi is mumbling their beacons all the time.

I am somewhat in the same situation, I have 2m between two 2.4Ghz outdoor AP and my LoRa antenna - this seems to be fine.

Near would be indeed something like the same pole or within 1 or 2 meters (re-using the same ‘entry’ point into the house for all cabling).

Indeed the Wifi I am not to worried about, it is more the LoRaWAN gateway being ‘overshouted’ by the noisy/loud Wifi antenna.

Thx for the response. Any others with some experience on this topic?

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Draging out an old one but I’m also interested in what others have experienced in this area.
I’m looking to mount a 5GHz WiFi antenna and a TTN (RAK831) gateway on the gable end of my roof soon. Just trying to work out the best way to mount them whilst giving them both as much height as possible