Is it possible to claim a device from The Things Stack Community Edition

I have made a The Things Network Community Edition application claimable following the procedure described in:
Then I have configured a “Claim authentication code” for a device in that application that I want to transfer to another The Things Network Community Edition user.
But I cannot find the endpoint for claiming in the documentation.
The first prerequisite is
Does anybody know whether this means than devices can only be transfered away from The Things Stack Community, but not between community users?

Follow up
Today I have generated a QR code for claiming that device.
Then I have scanned that QR code from the Add device interface of the Claiming application… the Join EUI and DEV EUI are imported but not the AppKey
Does anybody know why this happens?
Kind regards

Answering myself

So the claiming procedure only helps the end user in typing the DEVEUI and JOINEUI… not very helpy

It seems to work (all the information about the device is imported) if you claim the device through:

Although according this video (Add LoRaWAN Devices by Scanning a QR Code - Device Claiming in The Things Stack - YouTube), it shouldn’t work in TTN Community Edition.
Thanks… really useful

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