Is it possible to (broadly) estimate the direction and travel of a unit from the gyro?

I’m wondering if anyone has an elegant solution for a unit to estimate the horizontal path of a tracker that is logging IMU data continuously and only logs GPS data once every 30sec or so.
This is not necessarily an option for the free TTN network, but I am looking to solve this problem for a personal project that will probably end up using a 4G tracker.

I’m sure someone here has looked at this in the past, hopefully there is a library that can help me solve this problem without learning complex spline interpolation geometry from scratch.

I’m looking to insert:

  • GPS data points at (x) intervals
  • IMU data captured continuously

And I’m looking for an output with an estimation of the horizontal coordinates along that path base don the IMU and the fixed to truth at each GPS point.

I know this can be done, but I have only seen it in proprietary systems where everything just ‘works’, never had to do it form scratch with raw measurements on all sides.


If anyone could point me in the right direction, that would be sweet.

For a non-TTN issue like that, I would suggest asking in the Arduino forums …

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Ok, thank you. I suspected someone here might have a good lead.
