Iraq Frequency Plan

Pls, How can I find the radio frequency plan for my country Iraq if there is no record of this entity !?
Screenshot 2022-07-13 130931

The best source of information in the 1st instance is the L-A and its published Regional parameters. Sadly the most recent one I have looked at - 2-1.0.3 from May '21 still has Iraq as empty.
Would therefore suggest that your best option is contact the Country’s radio regulator for guidance, but if L-A hasn’t secured a commiment then your chances of a solid decision woud be slim, i feel. You might reach out to the only two communities in country one has no GW showing and one (Kurdistan region - so perhaps operating independently of central control) with just 1 GW noted but not currently active on the community GW - perhaps hidden for ‘privacy’ reasons :wink: but appears to show on the TTN global map:

maybe set up in association with SPU (Sulaimani Polytechnic University) and see if they have guidance or know of who to get permissions from? Kirkuk has been set up for approx 1.5 years, Kurdistan for >3 years…