I have a data base where the end device creates the record and adds a few fields in it like device_id, application_id, dev_eui, join_eui, dev_addr, received_at and a few others this is via devices uplink and webhook.
I manually update other fields in the record like location, brand, model and a few others.
The nice thing is that as soon as you receive a uplink the device is populated and you can see very fast where you records are not up to date, as you have not entered the manual information.
I also run a check against the db and if the received_at is older than a specified time I get alerted. (all my canneries)
I am already well beyond that with a relational structure planned that has several layers of both site context and device configuration as well as physical hardware and assembly records involved.
I would prefer to find an out of the box option but could pay for someone to build it also.