Interoperability between different LoRaWAN network operators

Hello All:

I have a general question that I can’t find an answer yet reading the documentation. If I register my device in TTN, will it work with any public LoRaWAN gateway (from any other LoRaWAN networks operators) or the gateway needs to be also be registered to the TTN as well? Is there any interoperability between the different LoRaWAN networks? (including the free TTN community edition and the paid TTS subscription, as well).

Is there such a ‘worldwide’ LoRaWAN network or is it segmented in independent networks by each operator?

Thanks for your support.

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There is currently no global LoRaWAN network, commercial and other free LoRaWAN providers do not yet exchange data with TTN using the PacketBroker (no roaming) yet.

Traffic exchange between TTI commercial customers and the community network is available where enabled and in balance. Commercial customers can’t ‘freeload’ on the community network without contributing to it as well.

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