Insufficient rights for organization error

I’ve created an Organization in my account, By mistake, I did update the permission of the organization, Due to that now I am unable to access the organization, even I am unable to delete the organization.

I tried to perform through the API, but that’s also giving an error, I guess permission can be only updated by TTN admins.

I am unable to access the Organization through console neither API.

API returns following error.

    "code": 7,
    "message": "error:pkg/auth/rights:insufficient_organization_rights (insufficient rights for organization `radiobridge-console@ttn`)",
    "details": [
            "@type": "",
            "namespace": "pkg/auth/rights",
            "name": "insufficient_organization_rights",
            "message_format": "insufficient rights for organization `{uid}`",
            "attributes": {
                "uid": "radiobridge-console@ttn"
            "correlation_id": "1cd37cb350364ba8887ead20c2780bec",
            "code": 7

This is on the issues list on GitHub.

Up until now people were locking themselves out of gateways or applications.

You are the first to do it to their entire login.

I’d post a message in #support on Slack to ask the TTI team to see what they can do.

@radiobridge I just fixed your rights on your organization.


Thank you, That worked :slight_smile: