I’m new using TTN. I created an application and add a device, thethingsnode. I recieved the data in my console. When I try to subscribe to MQTT using Mosquitto, the ping is working, but I’m not receiving any data.
Where’s the funny opening double quote in mosquitto_sub.exe" coming from, and where is it closed? And did you see the “When using Windows” remarks in the documentation?
Also, it seems you’re missing a wildcard for the application id and device id in some of your tries, like -t "+/devices/+/up". The following will just capture everything there is: -t "#".
Finally, you cannot subscribe to +/devices/+/up/payload_fields. For EU868, see also the status page.
The first missing double quote is copy paste mistake.
When i use the Wildcards + and # like your example, i get the error:
Error: Invalid subscription topic ''+/devices/+/up'', are all '+' and '#' wildcards correct
Error: Invalid subscription topic ''#'', are all '+' and '#' wildcards correct?
I see double single-quotes there, which makes me think you used single quotes in the command line? Please show the full command line. And again: did you see the “When using Windows” remarks in the documentation?