Hybrid TheThingsStack with TTN Cloud

Hi everyone,
I am looking to connect my TTS private network with the TTN Cloud in order to join the community.
Is there any possible configuration to have a private network and also share my infrastructure to the TTN community?


Does the PacketBroker help in this regard - provide an open pipe between the two set -ups?

I belive there is already a packet broer agent availabe within TheThingsStack.io


Havent had time/chance to look at playing with PB yet myself, so would be interested in what you find as I am sure would others on the TTN Forum…

Packet Broker is indeed the way to connect private networks to the rest of the LoRaWAN ecosystem.

For the time being you need a NetID from the LoRa Alliance in order to connect to Packet Broker, but that may change in the future. If you have a NetID, you can get the necessary configuration by following these instructions.

The Packet Broker Agent is indeed the component that takes care of traffic exchange between The Things Stack and Packet Broker. You can find the configuration options in the configuration reference.

The configuration options for the Packet Broker Agent are described in the configuration reference.

Thanks for your replies.
I have one question, do I have to pay to use the Packet Broker with TTN?
I know I must be a LoRa Alliance member to have unique NetID but, if I want to use with TTN Cloud, can I use NetID from TTN?
I see this list of NetID and I am confused about if I must pay to use my TTS with TTN Cloud.


No, Packet Broker is automatically connected with The Things Network and The Things Stack Cloud.

If you’re on The Things Network (public community network) or The Things Stack Cloud (commercial hosted service), you’re using NetID 000013 automatically.

If you’re not using TTN or TTS Cloud, but The Things Stack Open Source, best is to use your own NetID indeed. We do support tenancy within our NetID, i.e. your block of DevAddrs within the 27000000 space. As for cost, there’s a consumption based connectivity cost for connecting an open source distribution to Packet Broker as well as the (optional) lease of a NetID tenant. But I’m not sure if I understand your question correctly.

I mean I have a TTS Open Source (self-hosted) and I am asking if I can connect my server to TTN.
I am not a member of the LoRa Alliance so I do not have a NetID.
Is there any possibility to connect my TTS server to TTN public?

Yes, please DM me.

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