HTTP integration post data format

If I understand well, TTN HHTP integration is able to post data to a endpoint. However, the data format to be posted by TTN is defined, i.e.:

  "app_id": "my-app-id",              // Same as in the topic
  "dev_id": "my-dev-id",              // Same as in the topic
  "hardware_serial": "0102030405060708", // In case of LoRaWAN: the DevEUI
  "port": 1,                          // LoRaWAN FPort

Which means that you have to modify your endpoints to get the payload fields in your (backend) application. Is there a way to post completely redefined data? That would be a kind of TTN decoder working not only on the payload, but also on the other fields?


No that is not possible. As answered numerous times before on this forum, so next time please use search before asking.

Thanks for your kind answer Jac. I did used search for around 15 minutes but was not able to find the answer as topics classification is not so easy to navigate in the forum.

Dear Alctivate, you could use and intermediary, like nodeRED