HTTP Integration not working on Google Cloud VM with IP address and invalid certificate


we migrate our server to google cloud virtual machine. Our current server receives requests by Apache: - - [11/Oct/2018:11:02:38 +0200] “POST /test/iot/services/integration/ttn HTTP/1.1” 200 6383 “-” “http-ttn/2.6.0”

But Apache on google machine does not receiving anything. Do anyone knows if it can be that we have there only IP address (not DNS) or that we are using https protocol but there is invalid certificate?

I tried to send same message from Postman to google cloud VM and it works fine.

I am scared that it will not work after swap dns to google cloud VM. Can anyone help me?

Thank you, Roman

Hello vesla

As far as I know, the certificate must be valid and trusted.
So you will need a DNS name and a valid and trusted certificate , a free one for example letsencrypt will work.


Ok, thanks for help.
