How to support more than 1000 nodes


Each LoRa gateway comes with max capacity of nodes it can support. If I want to support more than the max capacity of a gateway, what option do I have ?

I can think of using two gateways, but in two gateway solution how can I make sure packets from all nodes are capture by either of the gateway ?

What is other practical solution ?

Eh? In some way you are right, but the nodes and transmission intervals of the nodes determine the capacity, not the gateway. BTW, this forum is for LoRaWAN. Lora is the underlying technology but has different properties as in there are not ‘gateways’ as Lora is only a radio signal definition.

You can not. LoRaWAN is using ISM band frequencies where interference might occur at any time. So even with a gateway and one node you can not make sure all packets are captured. In fact you can be sure you will see some packet loss. The larger the number of nodes and the more smaller the interval between transmissions by the nodes, the higher chances are an collision will occur rendering both transmissions invalid.

The only scaling solution is more gateways. Or use another technology. LoRaWAN is not designed for 100% guaranteed packet delivery.