I’m a newbie, and not very good writing English, so apoligize in advance.
I should connect an Advantech 6610, I done the setup of the gateway and I got Gateway ID and Key, but when I connect to gateway via browser it seems that it haven’t any field in which I could insert that values, I read about packet forwarder, should I have to install it inside gateway in some way?
The unit is probably running the Semtech reference software which requires a different setup on TTN. Check you gateway user interface to find a 16 digit hex value, the gateway eui. (Something like ‘0123456789ABCDEF’, sometimes shown with ‘:’ between the pairs like ‘01:23:45:67:89:AB:CD:EF’)
Then on TTN create a new gateway with the ‘legacy’ box ticked and insert the gateway eui in the gateway ID field on the TTN form.
Do you know if, generally, that EUI correspond with radio MAC address?
I’m seeing that Gateway Key yet exist in legacy mode, I don’t know yet where I have to insert it in.
Sorry, I’m still blocked, I really, really, need to solve this problem.
I managed to connect this gateway to the internet but now I don’t know what it’s needed to “signal” ttn console to change its state, until now, is “not connected”.
I noticed a gateway activation procedure, but it doesn’t work (but I guess it’s useless for this specific gateway):
I guess that somewhere I should insert an IP address that send some packets to ttn server, I found IP address ( that is router.eu.thethings.network), but this address does not respond to ping and if I insert that address in configuration page of the gateway nothing happens.
As you can see there is also, a local Network Server, with other settings, here (for example) I could set a “connector”, I think this server act as “intermediary”, i.e. decrypt packets from node and send to another server or application (just set in the address line you seen in previous screen) I try to set there IP address but still appear not connected.
Does ttn server ( require some authentication? Could it is a protocol problem (MQTT / HTTP)? Or “connected status” is triggered from first packet sent from node to gateway? I haven’t a node for now, I only want to see a connection flag in that screen (first screenshot).
TTN routers are in the cloud and do not respond to ping. (Something you can find on this forum as several people asked question regarding this already).
Do you know the gateway EUI? Do you have the gateway registered at TTN with ‘legacy’ ticked?
Ok, now I understand why I cannot ping, sorry for trivial question.
Gateway EUI seems to be 74FE48FFFE358C4A although isn’t so called (see third image in my post above “LoRaWAN Gateway Identifier”) and yes, I chose legacy mode.
I have talked with support team of the producer of this gateway (advantech), they have sent me a guide that confirm that in this gateway there is the semtech packet forwarder.
I have followed the simple guide (I only had to write the ip address of ttn server eu, so the IP address and port are correctly set as the EUI (I can see it in line edit above), but I see still “not connected” (see above).
From the information you shared everything looks configured correctly. Can you send UDP packets to the given IP address on port 1700? No firewall filtering the traffic? (Some providers, mainly UK I think, are known to block the traffic)
I’ve just solved the problem, until now I had no node able to send any packet.
Some minutes ago I received one, as soon as I turned it on was sent first packet and the status on TTN console changed to “connected”.
Apparently, the legacy packet forwarder needs to sent something before TTN shows status change.
Ah, that is the very basic packet forwarder which indeed suffers from this symptom. This means the last seen field in the console will only be ‘reset’ when a packet is forwarded as well.