How to extract data from The Things Network using Webhook?

I am new to the IoT & The Things Network. I am trying to understand how it works.
While what I have understood so far is that

  • To send data from the device to TTN, it uses the MQTT protocol which is a publisher-subscriber model.

But I am here to know if there is any way, specifically Webhook via which we can extract data from The Things Network and send it to my other middleware application. So as and when TTN receives data we get it real-time in my middleware, if there is a Webhook. Basically real-time synchronization between The Things Network and my application.

Please help me to find if any Webhook is there.

The HTTP Integration is your friend: Also check out the other integrations in the documentation.


That’s not quite accurate. The device does not use MQTT. But indeed TTN offers MQTT as one of the options.

Hi, @arjanvanb,

Thanks for your response. So are you saying that HTTP Integration is a Webhook? Also, other integrations like Storage, etc. that TTN offers are also Webhook, I mean to give you real-time data without having to subscribe?


Less than 3 minutes passed between my response and the submission of your new questions. Please spend some time reading the documentation, viewing the video and search the forum to see if your questions have not already been answered.

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