I’m trying to set a downlink on The Things Stack v3 application using mosquitto(v.2.0.11)
Followed the mosquitto manual in the things stack.There was a problem doing [Publishing Downlink Messages]. I seem to have copied the manual, but I don’t know the cause of the problem.
An error occurred while executing the following code:
It’s confused by the " and ’ in the command line and thinks the payload details are actual commands for mosquitto_pub rather than being the JSON to send.
Confirmed downlinks are a bad idea. There have been several topics where @cslorabox explained the why in great detail, so I won’t repeat the reasons but it’s best to remove it and use application level logic if you need acknowledgement of a successful downlink.
You can, you can wait on the volunteers here or you can commission someone to answer - but even then the good people are busy with other projects.
But as I’m here, what do you mean by “mosquitto_sub could not receive the message” - you’ve published a message and you’ve marked the issue as solved - where is ‘sub’ in all of this??
Assuming the screenshot is from a time period when you issued a pub, you do indeed have a problem, the biggest one being filling in all the details so someone can help you:
Device manufacturer, model, version, firmware - with link to docs
Does the device uplink successfully?
Gateway manufacturer, model, version, firmware
What other devices are uplinking successfully.
And anything else you can think of, even if YOU think it’s not relevant, because we have hundreds of threads where the pieces all come together about response 60. This will not be that thread